Digitalization and innovation

Barrabés Innovation Space

A key tool for innovation at your organization is to have a physical or digital space and to equip it with a business strategy and a suitable programme of activities and contents, combined with the best team to take it all forward. Lead the creation of innovation communities where you can share your challenges and your messages. Identify talent and solutions, and do so while always strengthening your brand’s market position. For over 10 years we have been successfully applying our methodology for designing and managing spaces to different sizes and types of digital environments and physical settings.


  • Generate an enterprise and innovation ecosystem and increase its impact on your business.
  • Position your organization’s brand by creating synergies and connections between the ecosystem that has been developed.
  • Activate new models and activities to reach different target audiences and potential customers/partners.


  • 100% attendance in person.
  • Hybrid option, combining a virtual environment with physical settings.

Learn more about Barrabés Innovation Space

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