
Innovation Consultant -Gijón

Location: Madrid (Spain)

We are experiencing rapid growth and diversification of our core activities and, therefore, we need to hire new and talented Innovation Consultant in Gijón-Asturias.

Specifically, we need profiles for a project that encompasses the creation and dynamization of programs and content focused on accelerating ideas and projects, training talent and connecting startups and entrepreneurs from an innovation point of view.

We offer the opportunity to work in a highly talented team, experienced in a wide range of specialities, knowledge and skills, and share a common vision («Transformation through innovation»), a high level of expertise and clear entrepreneurial skills.


Mission and key responsibilities:

You will support disruptive and challenging projects and assist clients in the transformation, innovation and digitalization of their business.


– Definition of key ideas, concepts and reports.

– Planning and facilitation of innovation processes.

– Execution and follow-up of projects.

– Relations with internal and external partners involved in the projects.

– Ensuring the achievement of established objectives.

– Client management and business development.


– University studies.

– Proven experience of at least 5 years in business consultancy related to SMEs and microenterprises, innovation and entrepreneurship.

– Experience in the field of social innovation is valuable.

– Knowledge of entrepreneurship and innovation methodologies: business model innovation, design thinking, easy start, open innovation, etc.

-Knowledge and training in innovation and agile methodologies: design thinking, open innovation, lean startup and scrum.

– Experience in workshop facilitation and social networking.

– Scrum Master certification desirable.


– Planning and organizational skills.

– Customer and service orientation

– Strong interpersonal and communication skills

– Resolute and action-oriented.

– Proactive, creative and innovative

– Open-minded, flexible and open to change

– Accustomed to dealing with uncertainty and ambiguity

– Excellent team player

What we offer:

🗻Project #challenge: Opportunity to work as part of a talented and multicultural team, with experience in different national and international environments, and with an objective of sharing a common vision: «Transforming through #innovation».

Multidisciplinary teams, with specific knowledge in disciplines and disruptive technologies (Blockchain, IoT, ML, etc).

👍 #Flexibility and work-life balance? No problem! With us you will have real schedule flexibility and the possibility of teleworking.

💸 Do you want to manage your payroll? In Barrabés, we have a flexible remuneration plan or package such as medical insurance, restaurant ticket, childcare ticket or transport ticket…As you wish, you decide!

🚀 Don’t lose your curiosity and keep acquiring knowledge with our training plans (English classes and customized training).

🔝 Are you passionate about innovation? Join a leading team! Multidisciplinary teams, with specific knowledge in disciplines and disruptive technologies (Blockchain, IoT, ML, etc).

📍Innovation Centre in Gijón- Asturias- Centro.


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